
We have an established, highly successful ordering process to ensure that you receive the right product for your needs at the right time that you need it.


Together, we discuss and determine which product will best suit your needs – from quantity, design and development and the final delivery of the product to where you need it. Our design meets all Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards.

Creating the Quote

Armed with the information provided by you, we create a quote that outlines pricing, physical specifications (including any additional elements required), shipping terms and the delivery schedule.

Quotes will outline all of your options, based on your specific needs.

Quote Sign-off

Your review of the quote (as provided by EMW) ensures that all specifications and other details meet your needs. Once the quote is signed off, the shipping date is reconfirmed.


We complete the 3D imaging drawings, including identifying detailed manufacturing tags and all required decals (standard and custom).

All drawings must be signed off prior to fabrication and assembly. Any additions or deletion may result in Quote adaptation.


EMW confirms the order details (delivery date, location and timing) with you prior to shipping the containers.

Shipping & Invoicing

EMW installs all required decals and tags (EMW manufacturing, RFID, etc.) and confirms shipping quality with the client. We provide same-day invoicing — the day the customer receives the order is the same day the invoice is received. Customers who pay an invoice within 10 business days are eligible to receive funds for donations as part of EMW’s Community Care program.

Follow Up

Once shipment has been delivered, EMW will contact the Customer for feedback. Did the shipment arrive on time? Was the shipment in satisfactory condition? Does the Customer have any questions, concerns or suggestions for improvement?

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